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TF2's Largest Community Event

Introducing: Meet the Communities


It’s been quiet on the blog front for a few months, but we thought this news was worth a mention here.


So, it’s been almost 8 months since we last did a Community Event, asking you which YouTubers deserve to get a present for Christmas & New Year.

As that last event was successful in highlighting and rewarding your favourite creators, we thought of doing it again, only a little different this time.

Now introducing: ''Meet the Communities''!


Okay, so what is ''Meet the Communities''?

Simply, the idea behind Meet the Communities is to highlight and show appreciation for your favourite TF2-related communities.

Mannco.store loves to support these Communities, as they're the very backbone of TF2 and keep the game alive and therefore; playable for over a decade. 

Not everybody knows of the plenty of TF2 communities that are in existance, especially now that #SaveTF2 has brought in a lot of new players.

Over the course of 13 weeks we will be pitting communities together from community-input, letting you, as the community itself, to vote for who you think should go onto the next round and giving out big prizes every single week! 

At every weeks-end there will be 3 winners who will win cash and those top 3 of each week will move onto the next round for a chance of even higher prizes!


How does it work?

1. Each week we'll launch a poll of 10 communities;

2. Everybody has 1 week the time to vote for their favourite community;

3. After 1 week, the top 3 will be announced as winners;

4. The owner of each winning community will get the prize money added to their mannco.store account. The prizes are as follows:

First Round

1st, 2nd, and 3rd will be $100, $50, and $25 respectively (+$0.50 per legit vote for that community with a max at respectively $150, $100, $50);


1st, 2nd, and 3rd will be $150, $100, and $50 respectively (+$0.50 per legit vote for that community with a max at respectively $300, $150, $100);


1st, 2nd, and 3rd will be $1250, $750, and $500 respectively;


5. The Community Owner can either choose to keep it, or to use it in Mannco.store Giveaways for the TF2 community as a whole, or as private giveaways solely for his/her community.


Want to submit a community to the event?

During the event, we'll ask for more communities to be suggested! Simply comment on the poll each week (Reddit, Twitter, Discord event) with the community you would like to be added to the running!


Vote Now!

Site Page: https://mannco.store/meet-the-communities

Twitter Vote: https://twitter.com/Mannco_Store/status/1565459843573596160

Reddit Vote: https://www.reddit.com/r/ManncoStoreSupport/comments/x3ndi9/meet_the_communities_poll_1a/

Submit a community: https://discord.com/channels/440360390786940948/1014939794301800578


DISCLAIMER: This is not an event to see which community is the best. Although this event may contain competitive aspects, the focus should be on bringing community awareness to many new communities and having fun together. None of the creators have asked for participation, they were all selected by their community members. So with that, lets make this a fun event!

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