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How do you ban bots in CSGO?

CSGO stands as a cornerstone in the realm of competitive multiplayer first-person shooters. It captivates players worldwide. Despite the popularity, the gaming experience of CS, TF2 or other games has been marred by the bots.

This article delves into the multifaceted approaches players can adopt to:

  • Identify.

  • Deal with.

  • And ultimately banish bots from the CSGO community.

In our Mannco Store article, we will go from in-game how to kick bots CS: GO to server settings and community moderation. Understanding and implementing these techniques is imperative. It's for upholding a fair and enjoyable gaming environment.

Identifying and Dealing with Bots

Identifying bots is the first crucial step in maintaining a fair gaming environment. Bots often exhibit unnatural behavior. They're overly precise movements, inhuman reaction times, and repetitive actions. Game developers continually refine their anti-cheat systems. It's to automatically detect and ban such entities. But, the community plays an essential role in this process. Players are encouraged to report suspicious behavior. It provides developers with valuable data to enhance their anti-bot measures.

Players can identify potential bots by observing irregularities in gameplay. They're improbable accuracy, patterns of movement, and an absence of typical human errors. Once you manage how to detect bots in CS: GO, getting rid of it ensures a collective effort to maintain fair play.

In-Game Reporting

In the battle against CS: GO bots, utilizing the in-game reporting system is a crucial first step. Valve has implemented a reporting feature. It allows players to flag suspicious accounts for review.

How to kick bots CS: GO:

  1. Press the Escape key to open the menu.

  2. Then click on the scoreboard.

  3. From there, locate the suspected bot's name, right-click, and select "Report."

  4. Choose the appropriate category. Such as "Suspected Cheating" or "Griefing".

  5. And provide a brief description of the bot's behavior.

Consistent and accurate reporting helps the system identify patterns and take necessary actions.

Kicking Bots via Console Commands

Utilizing console bot commands CS: GO can be an effective method to remove them swiftly. Follow these steps to remove bots from the server:

  1. Enable the Console. Go to the game settings and enable the developer console.

  2. Open the Console. Press the tilde key (~) to open the console.

  3. Identify Bot. Type status in the console and press Enter. This command will display a list of players, including bots. Note the bot's number next to its name.

  4. Kick the Bot. Type bot_kick [bot number] in the console and press Enter. Replace [bot number] with the specific number assigned to the bot you want to remove. For example, if the bot's number is 2, type bot_kick 2.

  5. Repeat if Necessary. According to our “How to remove bots in CS: GO” guid, if many bots are present, repeat the process for each one until the server is bot-free.

Server Settings and Plugins

For those who manage their own CS: GO servers or have administrative privileges, extra measures can be taken through server settings and plugins to mitigate bot-related issues:

  • Anti-Bot Plugins. Install third-party plugins specifically designed to detect and remove bots automatically. Plugins like "Bot Exterminator" or "Bot Patrol" can be effective.

  • Secure Server Settings. Adjust server settings to enhance security and reduce the likelihood of bot infiltration. Ensure the server is password-protected. And consider using extra authentication methods to cut unauthorized access.

  • Regular Updates. Keep the server software and plugins up-to-date to enjoy the latest security patches. Regularly check for plugin updates and bot commands CS: GO, and apply them promptly.

Community Servers and Moderation

In the realm of CS: GO, community servers play a pivotal role in shaping the gaming experience. These servers are often hosted and managed by community members. 

They offer a diverse range of:

  • Custom game modes.

  • Maps.

  • Unique experiences beyond the standard matchmaking provided by Valve.

The success of community servers relies heavily on effective moderation. It includes the info on how to kick bots CS: GO. It's to maintain a positive and enjoyable environment for players.

Server Administrators

Server administrators act as the guardians of the CS: GO community servers. They ensure fair play, enforce rules, and swiftly address disruptive behavior. These individuals are often volunteers or passionate community members. They have the authority to kick or ban players violating server policies.

They also have the responsibility to investigate and resolve conflicts. It fosters a welcoming atmosphere for players of all skill levels.

To effectively manage a CS: GO server including knowing how to kick bots CS: GO, administrators must:

  • Establish Clear Rules. Clearly define server rules and guidelines to set expectations for players. This includes rules related to cheating, harassment, and other disruptive behaviors.

  • Active Monitoring. Administrators need to actively check the server. They must pay attention to in-game activities and player interactions. This proactive approach helps identify potential issues before they escalate.

  • Responsive Communication. Quick and clear communication is crucial. Administrators should be accessible to players, addressing concerns and resolving disputes.

  • Consistent Enforcement. Fair and consistent enforcement of server rules is essential. This creates a sense of fairness among the player community. And it discourages disruptive behavior. 

Voting Systems

Voting system is how to empower players to take part in server governance actively including getting rid of bots in CS: GO. These systems often include map voting, kick voting and other community-driven decisions. Here's how voting systems contribute to community server dynamics:

  • Map Rotation. Players can vote on the next map. It allows the community to have a say in the gaming environment. Players can explore a variety of maps based on popular demand.

  • Kick Voting. In cases when disruptive players or bots are identified, kick voting enables the community to collectively decide whether a player should be removed from the server.

  • Rule Changes. Some community servers involve players in decision-making processes. It allows them to vote on changes to server rules, settings, or other elements.

With voting systems, community servers promote a sense of inclusivity without bot commands CS: GO. And they give players a voice in shaping their gaming experience. This approach contributes to the health and vibrancy of the CS: GO community.

Preventing Bot Infiltration

In the fight against CS: GO bots, safeguarding the gaming landscape is paramount. The implementation of robust strategies is pivotal. It's to thwart their infiltration and uphold a positive gaming environment.

By concentrating on fortifying server security measures and adjusting matchmaking settings, both players and administrators can play a vital role in minimizing the disruptive impact of these unwanted bots.

This proactive approach on knowing how to remove bots in CS: GO not only enhances the quality of gameplay. But it also fosters a community-driven commitment to creating a secure experience.

Server Passwords and Whitelists

According to our Mannco Store guide, one of the methods to prevent bots is to secure servers. This approach ensures that only authorized players can access the server. It creates a barrier against unwanted bots. Here's how to effectively use server passwords and whitelists:

  • Password Protection. Set a strong and unique password for your server. Share this password only with trusted community members or friends. It's to restrict access to legitimate players. Regularly update the password to enhance security. This approach eliminates the need to know how to get rid of bots in CS: GO.

  • Whitelisting. Consider implementing a whitelist system. It allows only specific Steam IDs or IP addresses to join the server. This targeted approach adds an extra layer of security. It ensures that only pre-approved players can enter.

  • Dynamic Whitelists. For community servers with active player bases, administrators can maintain dynamic whitelists. It evolves based on player behavior. Recognize and whitelist regular players while swiftly identifying and excluding suspicious accounts.

  • Communication. Clearly communicate the server access process. Whether it involves sharing the password with a select community or submitting requests for whitelisting. Transparent communication fosters a sense of security and community trust.

Matchmaking Settings

Adjusting matchmaking settings is another effective way how to get rid of bots in CS: GO. It's particularly true in official Valve matchmaking. Valve is continuously working to enhance their anti-cheat systems. But players can take extra steps to customize their matchmaking experience:

  • Prime Matchmaking. Use Prime Matchmaking, a feature that links your CS: GO account to a verified phone number. This helps filter out bots and significantly reduces the chances of encountering cheaters.

  • Trust Factor. Valve's Trust Factor system considers various factors. They're in-game behavior, reports, and commendations. It's to match players with similar trustworthiness levels. Encourage positive interactions. And report suspicious accounts to contribute to a healthier matchmaking environment.

  • Map Selection. Use map preferences to influence the types of matches you join. Bots often focus on specific maps. So, diversifying your map pool can cut encounters with them.

  • Queue with Trusted Players. If possible, queue with friends or players from your trusted network. This reduces the likelihood of encountering bots. And it enhances the quality of your matchmaking experience.


In conclusion of the blog post, the “How to remove bots in CS: GO” problem demands a comprehensive approach. Players and administrators must unite to maintain a fair and enjoyable gaming experience. The very essence of CSGO lies in its competitive and intense gameplay. And the presence of bots threatens to undermine this foundation.

By actively participating in the identification and removal of bots, the CSGO community can create a more secure and thriving environment. With collective effort, players can ensure the legacy of CSGO remains untarnished.

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